Online Scout Manager
Online Scout Manager (OSM) has been designed by leaders for leaders – it gives leaders the ability to do all their administration in one simple, secure, system.
It is not just a system for leaders though, OSM’s Parent Portal provides the parents the facility to ensure their own child’s basic address and contact records are kept up to date with all the relevant information about medical and dietary needs as well as allergy details.
It also gives parents the tools to see
- their child’s section programme with the opportunity to sign up to the parent rota to support
- parents can also record their child’s apologies for a weekly session and give a reason.
- view badge progress and see what has been done and still to do
- load evidence of any work their child may have done at home
- sign their child up to events and record any data the leaders request
- pay all payments for subscriptions and events
The above video give you an overview of the parent portal there are a number of additional tutorial videos to support you with these.
Subscriptions are £12 for Cubs & Scouts £10 for Beavers £8 for Explorers paid over 10 months payment is requested via Online Scout Manager and GoCardless
Subscriptions cover all the costs of the group including the annual membership paid to headquarters for every member.
Subscriptions cover all the costs of the group including the annual membership paid to headquarters for every member.
Create an OSM Subscription to automate everything!
The first time you are invited to pay Subs or for an Event – look for the “Create Subscription” button. You will be asked to use or create an account with GoCardless and and then add your bank details for Direct Debit.
Benefits: All payments will be requested from your nominated payment source automatically – no need to worry or remember. You’ll always receive an email before the payment is taken giving you notice, in the case of events advance notice. You’ll be able to cancel the payment as long as it hasn’t been initiated. You are still covered by the Direct Debit Guarantee.
Drawbacks: If you forget to check your email you won’t get the chance to reconsider the payment!
Use OSM to easily pay each request at the click of a button
If you haven’t created a subscription, then each time a payment for Subs or an Event is requested, you’ll get an email. Look for the “Pay Now” button to pay this one request. You will still be asked to use or create an account with GoCardless and and then add details for Direct Debit. Lots of people see “direct debit” and think “regular scheduled payment”, but Direct Debit is just the method of payment; just like cheque, standing order or BACS transfer. Just as with a subscription, above, you are covered by the Direct Debit Guarantee.
Benefits: You have a bit more control and your consciousness is being raised of when your money is being spent. You are still covered by the Direct Debit Guarantee.
Drawbacks: You might forget to pay and be hassled by auto-reminders from the system. If you ignore all those then your section leader will have to get in touch to chase payment.
Tutorial Video
There is a tutorial video to take you through this process which can be found by clicking the link above.
Financial Hardship – Scouting should be accessible to all – so we will not allow financial hardship to come be a barrier to accessing scouting. If you are struggling with any of our requests for money – please speak to your section Leader.