204th Glasgow Scout Group Welcome Information Pack
Congratulations on Joining the world’s largest youth movement of over 40 Million worldwide
This information pack is intended to give you all the essential information that you as a parent/guardian need to know that your son or daughter has joined.
For all our Administration we use an on-line commercial tool called OSM Online Scout Manager. To ensure the safety and security of you and your child we need you to complete some information on-line.
If accessing or using the internet/e-mail/texting is a problem for you let us know and we will enter the information for and find ways to stay in contact that work with you whatever challenge you face – scouting is for all
All Scouting leaders are volunteers. Any help you can give, helps us deliver better scouting
We would like to take this opportunity of welcoming you to the 204th Glasgow Scout Group we hope your son/ daughter enjoys many happy years with us.
William Johnston, Group Scout Leader
Scout Group Agreement
We believe it is helpful to capture the main principles of what you and your local scouting leadership can expect from each other.
What you can expect of us
- To keep Young People in our care safe
By following Scoutings policies & Rules (P.O.R) covering all aspects of scouting including: Premises, Leaders, Activities, freedom from Bullying or discrimination and Child Protection
- Happy and Stimulated Young People
The official Purpose of Scouting is: ” to promote the development of young people in achieving their full physical, intellectual, social and spiritual potentials, as individuals, as responsible citizens and as members of their local, national and international communities”
We will do this via a varied and interesting programme of events and activities
- To keep you informed
of programs & events via regular communication in a variety of forms. Provide opportunities for you to influence what we do both informally, by talking to us, and formally through parent representation at the Executive Committee (sits 4x a year) & the Annual General Meeting.
- Keep scouting affordable for all
Keep fees as low as possible and offer financial support for young people that need it.
What we expect of you
- Support the scouting leadership
We help young people develop & learn. This works best when the young people have a posi- tive attitude encouraged by you. Scouting relies on parent support, the leaders can not do it all without you. We will try harder to ask – please support us when we do ask for your help.
- Support your child’s scouting
By supporting our programme beyond the weekly meeting to complete badges and engage with the wider program of camps, outings, parades etc as best you can. Scouting is not a once a week meeting – its so much more than that – join in.
- Too keep us informed
Of anything we need to know to better support your child. Let us know when we get things wrong – so we can improve and remember to thank us too!. Please answer promptly those requests eg: who want to go: Camping, to the raft race etc so we do not have to nag you!
- Pay your fees (subs)
so we can fund great scouting and maintain our hall and equipment
We hope your young people will enjoy the scouting program we deliver.
Quick information & useful contacts
Cost: Subs £12.00 /Month for Cubs & Scouts £10 for Beavers £8 for Explorers (payment over 10 months)
Uniform costs about £15 to £20
6 to 8 years
Make friends try new indoor & outdoor activities
Meets Mondays 18:30 to 19:30 during term time
Beaver Leader: Hannah Johnston 07708232173
8 to 10 1/2 years
Learn practical skills while having adventures with friends
Meets Mondays 19:30 to 20:45 during term time
Cub Leader: Angela Sobey 07871688244
10 1/2 to 14 years
Build confidence, resilience and a sense of adventure
Meets Wednesdays 19:00 to 21:00 during term time
Scout Leader: Matthew Stratford 07793073588
14 to 18 years
Take the lead, work together and embrace new experiences
Meets every second Tuesday 19:45 to 21:30
Explorer Leader: Adam Ashing 0788724090
Who is in charge?
The Scout Group is run by two groups of people
- The Leadership Team
Made up of all adult leaders involved with the young people and is led by the Group Scout Leader and is responsible for all matters involving young people.
The Leadership team interact at all times but plan four formal meetings a year.
- The Group Executive
This support the Group Scout Leader to meet their responsibilities. The Group exec is responsible for:
The Group’s property & equipment and it upkeep.
Finances and fund raising
Insurance of persons, property and equipment;
Recruitment of Leaders, adult helpers and other public support Group public events and occasions.
The Group Executive is made up of the following:
Chairman, Secretary, Treasurer, Group Scout Leader, Asst Group Scout Leader, Section Leaders.
Child Protection and Safety
Scouting takes this very seriously and all leaders are trained in safe- guarding as well as issued with the ‘Yellow Card’ reminding them of the key ways we deliver this, Purple Card for Emergency, Orange for code of behaviour and Green scouting policy on alcohol which they carry at all times.
How do you deal with accidents & emergencies?
We take the safety of the young people in our care very seriously. That is why we gather information on medical conditions and medications, allergies, Mental health, Doctors including phobias. It is essential you keep your contact info on OSM up to date for all parents and guardians of a young person as well as all medical info
When we venture beyond the Scout Hall we use an ‘in touch policy’ a clear policy sent to all parents and guardians attending that trip on exact details of how we will handle communications in such an event & despite online contact details we will ask people for contact details during that event time (as you may be away for example)
All leaders are trained in Emergency aid and some of them have full First Aid training. At the hall and on all event we carry a first aid kit & when for example at camps we are via the health form all attendees must complete what treatments parents are happy to be administered by leaders for minor issues like headaches, stings, minor cuts etc
We have an accident book in which accidents are recorded. Parents will be informed of the accident and any treatment given. Any accident that requires medical staff treatment (even if after the event) has to be reported within scouting
How we will handle emergencies extract from our ‘in touch policy’
The leadership team on the ground will concentrate on taking immediate appropriate action first ie calling an ambulance, administering First Aid. For an issue affecting only one individual a leader will call you direct and then inform the home contact
2 adults will accompany the Young person to the medical facilities and act as their guardian until a parent/guardian arrives
Administration: Online Scout Manager
Like 1000’s of scout groups we have adopted OSM Online Scout Manager which is an online tool to man- age almost all of our routine administration.
It is a commercial tool so it comes with a wealth of online help and tutorial videos within the tool itself or that you can find on youtube.
Parent Portal
Once you have joined the group you will be invited to join OSM. You will access the system through the parent portal through which you will enter all your contact info as well details of your young person such medical, allergies, are you happy for us to take photos of them and display them etc and set up the regular payment of fees.
View the program and how it counts towards badges See and sign up to events and even pay for them
Find out more at:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2fsXHy-9bCM&t=47s
6 to 8 years
Make friends try new indoor & outdoor activities
Welcome to the Beavers section of scouting. We start their scouting journey so the emphasis is firmly on fun and friendship. Progression to Cubs is after they are 8 by going to both for 4 weeks.
What Beavers Do
Have fun! Play games, learn skills through activities that give them the opportunity for recognition of their achievements when we award them badges. All Beavers promise:
The beaver promise
I promise to do my best, To be kind and helpful And to love God
The Beaver Colony
The Beaver colony That your child is joining is led by a Beaver Scout Leader
We start a colony night with opening and closing ceremonies which include inspection which encourages pride in their uniform and personal belongings. When they formally join they are invested and they get their Necker and make the promise above.
Uniform: Beaver sweatshirt, 204th Neckie
We sell the neckie, woggle at the scout hall . a guide to where badges go can be found in the parent portal of OSM but here is a picture!
It’s so much more than just a ‘one evening a week club’. We want cubs to join in ALL our events. Cubs progress to Scouts after they are 10 and before they are 11.
What do Cubs do?
Have fun! We go camping, go on days out, play games and many
activities that give them the opportunity for recognition of their achievements when we award them badges. All Cubs promise:
The Cub Scout promise
I promise to do my best, to do my duty to God & the King to help other people, and keep the Cub Scout law
The Cub Pack
The Cub PackThat your child is joining is led by a Cub Scout Leader.
We start a pack night with opening and closing ceremonies which include inspection which encourages pride in their uniform and personal belongings. When they formally join they are invested and make the promise above
Uniform: Cub Sweatshirt, 204th Neckie
We sell the neckie and woggle at the Scout hall. A guide to where badges go can be found in the parent portal of OSM but here is a picture.
10 1/2 to 14 years. Build confidence, resilience and a sense of adventure
Welcome to the scouts section of scouting. The longer time in Scouts allows them to achieve great things before progressing to explorers after they are 14 and before they are 14 1/2.
What do scouts do?
Adventures through which they mature, become more self reliant and have much more of an input to what they do. Camps are longer and activities more daring and the top award equivalent to Duke of Edinburgh bronze award. All scouts promise:
The scout promise
On my honour I promise that I will do my best, to do my duty to God & the King,
to help other people and to keep the Scout Law.
The Scout Troop
The Scout Troop that your child is joining is led by a Scout Leader. We start a troop night with opening and closing ceremonies which include inspection which encourages pride in their uniform and personal belongings. When they formally join they are invested and make the promise above
Uniform: Scout shirt, 204th Neckie
We sell the neckie and woggle at the Scout hall. A guide to where badges go can be found in the parent portal of OSM but here is a picture.
14 to 18 years
Take the lead, work together & embrace new experiences
Welcome to the Explorers section of scouting. Although its the last ‘young person’ section at this point the adult leaders are just there to support and guide them.
They decide their own program and what they want to achieve. Once 18 they can join Network for adults and / or become a leader.
What do Explorers do?
A lot of socialising – its typically 50/50 on gender. During exam time they may cease. Some from our group go all the way to their top award equivalent to Duke of Edinburgh Silver award and 2 of ours have been to the WORLD Jamboree. All explorers promise:
The Explorer promise
On my honour I promise that I will do my best, to do my duty to God & the King,
to help other people and to keep the Scout Law.
The Explorer Unit
The Explorer Unit Is supported and guided by the explorer Scout Leader. Their role is supportive and advisory as Explorers are empowered to run their own unit . Unit nights can take place anywhere and are typically in- formal relaxed events with a large socialising content. When they formally join they are invested and they get their Knecker and make the promise above
Uniform: explorer shirt, 204th Neckie
We sell the neckie and woggle at the Scout hall. A guide to where badges go can be found in the parent portal of OSM but here is a picture.
Help us help young people
Scout Groups are backed up by adult support to provide the best Scouting possible to young people. All leaders give their time volun- tarily, but we welcome and need help from all that can give it. We are lucky to own our Hall but it needs maintaining.
PLEASE Volunteer with us!
If you are interested in any of the below, please contact us.
- I am interested in becoming an assistant leader / Leader Joining the Group Executive committee running the group
- I could help maintain the hall e.g. cut grass, vacuum, clean etc
- Help at camps even if only setting up and taking down tents
- Provide Transport when required
- Help with fundraising